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Wedding venue in Kent

Venue Consultant

Nicky is a leading venue consultant specialising in diversifying venues into the wedding market and helping existing wedding venues maximise their offer, potential and business growth. With extensive knowledge and experience in the wedding and events industry, Nicky is here to help
you turn your venue into one of the most sought-after
wedding venues in the area.

Wedding Venue consultant

Nicky is the perfect wedding venue consultant

for any aspiring venue.


With a strong business background and expertise in the

wedding industry, including knowledge of

the latest trends, and a strong

network of vendors and other wedding professionals,

Nicky can help venues maximise their bookings,

increase revenue and provide access to

top-notch services and resources.


Nicky offers tailored services to meet the unique

needs and goals of each venue and works

with a focus on collaboration, transparency

and communication, with a proven track record.

Let Nicky help you save time and money, reduce stress and

uncertainty, and achieve your long-term

business objectives and goals.

  • 360 business review

  • Business plans

  • Defining client base /ideal wedding client profiling

  • Competition assessment

  • Market positioning local/national 

  • Customer experience, mapping out the client journey

  • Setting up systems and processes

  • Venue licencing support

  • Up-levelling to the luxury market

  • Sales and team training

  • Introducing venues to the wedding and event market

  • Marketing

  • Creating wedding and event packages

  • Overcome poor customer feedback

  • Attend a function to fine-tune your operation

  • Coordinating open days

Investment for your business starts at £397, for a half day assessment and report

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